
In Defense of Food

"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food." Hippocrates

Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.

Brilliance! Fundamental! Back to Basics! A must read and therefore it tops the current list of gotta have books! Michael Pollan does a phenomenal job of relaying how we veered from a group of people who ate food to a body of folks desperately looking and hoping to justify that what's in the food (specific nutrients) we've chosen to consume is certainly improving our health. Whether the nutrients claim to lower your cholesterol, decrease your risk for cancer, increase your energy, boost your immune system, or help you lose weight (just to name a few), food manufacturers have succeeded in getting Americans to buy based on the added nutrient not the food itself! The book reveals not only how since the inception of this change in behaviour that we've created more disease but that we've lost the need to ask the question, "What's wrong with the food itself that we must feel the need to fortify, add, or inject isolated, unnatural, environmentally imbalanced nutrients into the food?" The author eloquently shares many of the fundamental conflicts of interest behind those creating these anomalous chemical montages (still calling them food), government health standards, bias researchers, and the major implications and subsequent consequences of these decisions. Michael Pollan's articulately and fluently, without persuasion, encourages us to engage in thoughtful selection of our food that will augment our lives, improve our sensory perception of healthy food, and to revert back to the days of enjoying our meals again!!! I hope this book serves you and your family well!!!