
Pregnant in America

A film showing of
Pregnant in America
Sunday April 26th
SLO Library Downtown
995 Palm Street
Doors open at 2:30
Film Starts at 3:00

$5 suggested donation
For more info: call 890-4001
Sponsored by:
ICAN (International Cesarian Awareness Network) www.ican-online.org
BBRN (Birth and Baby Resource Network) www.bbrn.org



Description of Chiropractic... in a Medical Journal of all places!

Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Herniation With 


Manipulation.  Some orthopaedic surgeons practice manipulation in an effort at repositioning the disc.  This treatment is regarded as controversial and a form of quackery by many men.  However, the author has attempted the maneuver in patients who did not respond to bed rest and were regarded as candidates for surgery.  Occasionally, the results was dramatic. 

Technique. The patient lies on his side on the edge of the table facing the surgeon, and the uppermost leg is allowed to drop forward over the edge of the table, carrying forward that side of the pelvis.  The uppermost arm is placed backward behind the patient, pulling the shoulder back.  The surgeon places one hand on the shoulder and the other on the iliac crest and twists the torso by pushing the shoulder backward and the iliac crest forward.  The maneuver is sudden and forceful and frequently is associated with an audible and palpable crunching sound in the lower back.  When this is felt, the relief of pain is usually 

immediate.  The maneuver is repeated with the patient on the opposite side.”

 “The patient should be cautioned beforehand that the 

manipulation may make his symptoms worse and that this is an 

attempt to avoid surgery.” 

Orthopaedics, Principles and Their Applications 

Samuel Turek, MD 

Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation 

University of Miami School of Medicine 

JB Lippincott Company 


Page 1335

"This is one of my favorite articles dating back to 1977.  Who says Chiropractors and MD's don't think similarly?  Read carefully and note that this Orthopedic Surgeon is recommending that instead of always "cutting" on patients with lumbar disc herniations, a more conservative approach such as manipulation often relieves the pain.  Check out his description of the position for the adjustment....sound familiar????" Dr. Rex


Onward and Upward ... literally!

As some of you have heard, we are growing and moving... upward!

We will be moving upstairs to the 3rd floor!

California Wellness Center is now combining with Health In Motion.  This is nothing new, as we have been working together for quite some time.   But now we are changing our names to make that official.  Our new name will be SLO Wellness Center !

We are so excited about the new developments of our center and cannot wait to share it with you.
Check back to our blog often or contact us anytime if you have questions.

Onward and Upward!


Age of Autism

If you are looking for more connections on Autism research and recovery, there 

is a great blog called "Age of Autism"... 

Stop into SLO Wellness today and ask one of our doctors about how they can work with you on this journey.


Financial Wellness

Glenn Norris
Certified Public Accountant
444 Higuera Street, Suite 100
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805)546-8901 - fax